Introducing our Safety Planning Companion Tool. This resource is grounded in decision trees, harm reduction strategies, and holistic safety planning. It focuses on leveraging strengths while also identifying potential barriers to ensure a comprehensive approach to safety.

It is essential to receive safety planning training.  This is a skill set that can may help someone find safety.

This incident log is designed to help victims contextualize their entire relationship, allowing us to identify patterns of behavior and understand the significance of their experiences. One of the most powerful aspects of this tool is that it enables victims to recognize their own danger.

Pay close attention to any increase in the severity of violence and a decrease in the time between violent incidents. It’s also important to broaden your focus to include non-physical forms of violence, such as emotional and psychological abuse. These insidious acts can erode self-determination and self-efficacy—two essential components for finding safety.  

Additional Resources:

We provide training and technical assistance in this area.